Zunday Zen … A Slithery, Scaly Encounter

In my Garden, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Zunday Zen

Basking in the sun
A serpent, first curious
Then slithering off.

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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

23 thoughts on “Zunday Zen … A Slithery, Scaly Encounter”

      • Ahh… yes, I´ve heard about that are and I believe that the forest does attract a lot of wildlife. That´s amazing.
        I´m on the other side of the world in the middle of Europe… we don´t have that much wildlife here, sadly…. so no amazing photos like yours… but we do have good architecture, well everything has it´s ups and downs, although I would rather go for the wildlife!


  1. Oh, my! I’ve just come to the place where I don’t run every time I see one of those little garden snakes in my yard. I know they won’t hurt me and have a job to do so I leave them alone and go the other way. I would not in any way shape or form be tempted to lay on my belly and photograph it. Kudos to you for your brave feat and wonderful photography.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Marlene! This definitely was one of the more interesting nature encounters I’ve had so far! I am glad I took the photos, because none of the other snakes in the garden have been this patient with me! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. christine says:

    These are great photos. I really felt like you Got the snake, on some level there was understanding between you two… I like snakes a lot, we used to play with them when I was a kid in Missouri. USA

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very nice slideshow, too 🙂 But the showstopped is definitely the featured photo. It could be in a magazine. The snake is staring right at you! (I would’ve run by then! And never got this shot!)

    Liked by 1 person

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