Zunday Zen … The Speakers’ Corner at the Marble Arch

Europe, International Travel, Musings, Photography, Poetry, Zunday Zen

Think, listen, speak,
agree, disagree,
debate your point of view.

Embrace differences,
learn from each other,
Live! And let live!

Since the mid 1800’s the Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park has, and continues to serve as an outdoor public speaking area for those wanting to debate and discuss topics such as religion and politics.
On Sunday morning, you can stop by and check out a variety of speakers sharing their opinions and beliefs with anyone who will stop and listen. We did just that during our stay in London.
No subject at the Speakers’ Corner is off limits, but profanity and name-calling are discouraged.


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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

8 thoughts on “Zunday Zen … The Speakers’ Corner at the Marble Arch”

  1. Lovely park and great that their is a place people can go to share their opinion. I would probably go the long way around because I don’t like to hear people arguing. Hope you are have a Zen Sunday. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I didn’t last long there! Some of the speakers were very engaging, and open to a fair debate. Others not so much! Regardless, I believe that it’s good to have a spot where anyone can speak up.
      Zunday Zen here! I bought three pounds of basil and am working on Tasty Tuesday! 😉
      Have a good week Marlene!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. christine hoex says:

    Elly and I missed this when we were in London back in 09 I think. Meanwhile in I am debating with my self about what plants to put in Rosalies Yard!

    Liked by 1 person

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