Zunday Zen … Good Morning to you, too!

In my Garden, Musings, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Zunday Zen

Spectacles sharpen
the flitting blur at first light.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
staring right at me.
Wait!!! Where is my camera!?!









Thursday morning, when I first awoke, I noticed a tiny bird flitting about the butterfly bush outside my bedroom window. Instantly I jumped out of bed, put on my glasses and carefully approached the window. And what came into focus?! One of my very favorite winter visitors! A ruby-crowned Kinglet!

Kinglets never sit still for more than a brief moment. Due to their very fast metabolism they need to constantly forage for insects. They weigh about 6 to 8 grams and can loose up to a third of their body weight  within 20 minutes of not eating. Kinglets are generally solitary and live in conifer forests.

Throughout winter, I often spot them outside my windows, where I watch them glean tiny insects from branches and leaves in the garden. When defending their territory or trying to impress a potential mate, they flare their ruby crown patches in order to show off its raised crest.

Some day I hope to spot its cousin, the Golden-crowned Kinglet! 🙂

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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

17 thoughts on “Zunday Zen … Good Morning to you, too!”

  1. It does look like he is posing for you and saying good morning. Or maybe he is looking at the bed head and wondering what happened to that funny looking bird. 🙂 Those are some great shots! Hope you have a Zen Sunday too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Marlene! Quite possible that he was wondering about me too! 😉 I would be surprised if you don’t get them where you live. Keep an eye out around your butterfly bush! Hope your Sunday is nice and cozy! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      • My sister will be here shortly if that tells you anything. I’m sure the birds wonder about our funny looks. I’ve been working on photos this morning. Hopefully soon, I’ll get a chance to look outside. I shared cake and cherries with daughter yesterday. She’s in love too. I can’t tell you how good they were. YUM!

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    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I love the variety of birds we get here in the Pacific Northwest! Right now is the busy season at my feeders, where not only all kinds of birds visit, but also lots of squirrels and a family of chipmunks. Have a great week! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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