Meditation in Moments … Dainty Dandelion

In my Garden, Meditation in Moments, Musings, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Up Close & Personal ...

The circle of life
Dandelion … seed to flower
flower to seed
always on autopilot.

Dandelions are once again abundant this year so I thought I’d look at them in a different way. They really are quite a pest around my yard and annoy me. But at the same time their cheerful flower and seed puffs always make me smile. My compromise is to leave some, and dig up some.

How about your garden! Which weed annoys you?

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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

35 thoughts on “Meditation in Moments … Dainty Dandelion”

  1. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Well, they’re fascinating photos of an annoying weed. I think it’s great to take such a close look at them and see them from a different perspective. My worst weed is euphorbia maculata or spotted spurge. I think it’s almost indestructible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just looked up spotted spurge. I’m happy to report it grows really well here too! I suppose I shouldn’t complain about the dandelions as they let least have bright cheery flowers!


  2. Trish says:

    Hard to choose which photos to share when each orientation gives such a different array of lines and puffs. I went crazy one summer with roses. Took close-ups, then cropped for feminine curves and luminosity, then cropped more for abstractions and intensities. I was mesmerized. Finally, I framed 12 of them in very simple frames and painted my living room wall with color. Now, Una, the caregiver from Fiji, has gladly planted them on her bedroom walls. – Trish

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hard to choose indeed! It’s easy to always look at something in the same way or from the same perspective. Things always look different when you open your eyes and mind. I hope to see some of your photos when I get down your way! And those framed roses sound like a perfect fit for Una! Be well Trish and say hello to everyone from me.


  3. Hey Sabine! Once again, fab photos! I do love dandelions, aka wishing flowers. They have a special place in my heart (I even have a wishing flower tattoo.) My grandkids love blowing them and making their wishes. However, I don’t like them in my yard, and since my yard is a wasteland right now they are quite prolific. My least favorite, though is crab grass. That stuff goes on forever! Have a great week, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now I learned something new about you! Dandelions were not known in Germany as wishing flowers. I do love them, but at the same time they get old popping up all over. Oh well! Thanks for your kind words and always reading and commenting. 🙋


  4. Z.D. McGee says:

    FANTASTIC!!! A couple of the photos look like we are entering the great EYEBALL! Really, really nice.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I used to let dandelions bother me until I found out about their health benefits. The only thing that bothers me in my garden are squirrels eating the young plants and the insects that bite.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I was so tired last night when I read this I forgot to say how much I love those puff balls that are dandelions. I loved them as a kid and still think they are fun but the HOA here hates them so they have to go. Dandelion greens are good for us and make great tea. Lots of places eat them and they are quite prolific. Great shots of them. You photograph in such an interesting way that the ordinary becomes extraordinary.. Off to face the world again. Have a terrific weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your kind words Marlene! Spending time outside has helped me keep my sanity in these divisive times! Dandelions are fun, despite my grumbling about them. Come Saturday though they will find their way into my kitchen! 😉 I hope you have a fun weekend too!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks LuAnne! These were fun to take, but in some ways challenging! I haven’t seen any of your posts in my reader for a while. Have you been taking a break or are your posts not showing up?

      Liked by 1 person

      • I took a break. I did the National Poetry Writing Month challenge in April – along with two trips and upon return a friend became very ill and I needed to take her to the hospital and then care for her after I brought her home. April exhausted me! So I took May off – didn’t even read email. But I will post again in a day or two. I wrote with a friend today and it inspired me. 🙂 Hope all is well on your home front.

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