Meditation in Moments … Robins of the Round Table

In my Garden, Meditation in Moments, Musings, Nature, Photography, Poetry, The Four Seasons

No need to squabble
Robins of the Round Table
Plenty to go ’round

Since yesterday morning, a flock of 40+ robins has been hanging out in my garden. They arrived shortly after I filled up the birdbaths with fresh water in the morning. A few minutes afterwards, I noticed a handful of robins sitting in a circle on the birdbath. There was much squabbling, posturing and flapping of wings while they all were waiting for their turn.

This morning I checked to see if the robins had returned. They had! The birdbath was frozen over and the birds seemed to be patiently waiting for me to remedy the situation. Throughout the day I ventured outside several times to check on them, refill the baths, and take some photographs of this unusual sight in my garden. Rarely do we get more than three or four robins at one time.

Getting this close to these robins surprised me, because they are very shy birds!
I  so enjoyed this moment!

Late afternoon, I noticed them congregating in the trees outside my window, ready to take off for the night.

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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

24 thoughts on “Meditation in Moments … Robins of the Round Table”

  1. Great photos, Sabine! They sure are fat little robins. When I was walking yesterday, there were many of them in the neighborhood trees. I wonder if they start congregating this time of year? Thanks for posting your pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great shots!!! I’ve never seen that many in one spot either. You have the best backyard for wildlife. They love posing for you. Looks like we are going to have a decent enough day so I’m getting dressed now for errands, etc. 🙂 See you soon.

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  3. I love this Sabine! A gathering of the clan. What a beautiful sight you saw here, all those robin red breasts. They sought out your home as a sanctuary. That last photo, the robin looks so forlorn doesn’t he?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The robins are still gathering, but there are not nearly as many as a couple of days ago. I’m just happy to be able to provide a safe place for all the critters that come through! And yes, the robin in the last photo does look a little forlorn!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Those were great pictures – I feel the same way about my yard Sabine. Though it has lost its glory from 2010 when it was at its peak, (thanks to the rat problem with the new neighbor, I had to remove all the birdfeeders and birdbaths, and the back-to-back Polar Vortexes that wiped out my butterfly garden and a good many of my perennials and bushes, the perimeter of the yard still provides shelter for the critters, rabbits especially, from the hawks. The other neighbors have just grass along the fence line. Same with the front yard bushes. I put the peanuts on the porch, but push them near the door stoop in the corner, so if a hawk comes along, the squirrels can dive into the bushes and hide and the hawk(s) cannot touch them there. I felt sorry for the last robin.

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