Friendly Friday Photo Challenge … Posing

Friendly Friday Photo Challenge, Happy Friday!, International Travel, Musings, Photography

It’s Friendly Friday again and Snow from The Snow Melts Somewhere picked Posing for today’s prompt. This promptly reminded me of our trip to Seoul, South Korea a few years back. We were on our way to Bali and had decided to spend a few days in Seoul to not only help us adjust to the time difference, but also to explore this fascinating city. There were many highlights during our stay, but for me, watching the traditional Korean ceremony of the Changing of the Royal Guard was special. If you find yourself in Seoul, I highly recommend reserving a bit of time to watch this colorful and fascinating event at the Gyeongbokgung Palace. It’s performed twice daily, except on Tuesdays. Be sure to also stroll the palace and its beautiful grounds. The magnificent buildings, stone faced guards and the mostly Korean crowd are unforgettable!


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Thank you Zendog for letting me use this video clip!

If you would like to participate in these Friendly Friday Challenges, head over to Snow’s blog and take a look at her post on posing! I especially love the photograph of the old VW bug! It not only reminds me of Europe, but also of some neighbors we once had here. They had an almost identical VW bug which they’d tow behind a charming older RV to watch their Alma mater football team, the Oregon Ducks, play each and every home game at Autzen Stadium.

I hope that you’ll check out other participants interpretations of today’s prompt as well. They can be found through links in Snow’s comment section, along with details on how to participate yourself!

I hope you enjoyed this colorful Royal Changing of the Guard ceremony from
Gyeongbokgung Palace!

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My passions in life are vegetarian cooking, gardening, photography, writing, good books, traveling and nature. Thanks for stopping by, Sabine

24 thoughts on “Friendly Friday Photo Challenge … Posing”

  1. Great interpretation of the photo challenge, Sabine! I had no idea they did a changing of the guard in Seoul. Fascinating and amazing! Enjoy this amazing weekend!

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  2. I thought the changing of the guard in England was amazing, but this is so much more colorful and full of pomp and circumstance. I know that I too, would have been clicking away at this event as well Sabine. Years ago I had a pen pal from Seoul, Korea. It was a grade school exercise where our class exchanged letters with a grade school class in Seoul. I’ve often wondered what happened to Duck Won Suh?

    Liked by 1 person

    • This Korean changing of the guard was incredible to watch. We did the pen pals as well in school. We had to as we were learning English and needed to practice our new language skills. I had several pen pals, one from Finland, one from Israel and one from Sacramento, California. How would have thought that many years later I’d be living in California, including Sacramento! Wouldn’t it be funny if you found that pen pal through blogging!?!

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      • It looked amazing with all the different uniforms (I guess you’d call them uniforms). I love the pomp and circumstance of the changing of the guard Sabine. And I remember taking some pictures of the guards and it was an uncharacteristically hot May day in London and here they were under their fur hats and heavy uniforms and did not blink or move a muscles at all. Aksi U watched practicing for the Trooping of the Color for the Queen’s birthday celebration in June (it’s never on her actual birthday for some reason) and that was incredible to watch as well. Having a pen pal was fun and I enjoyed writing to him – wondering why we stopped. I should Google around and see if I can come up with his name, though he may no longer live in Korea. A co-worker asked all the staff members to write to a serviceman during Operation Desert Storm in the early 90s. Her pastor gave her a list of service personnel. I got a marine and his name was Bill, but I can’t remember his last name for the life of me. His father was a marine, killed in the service, and this young man had an attitude that he didn’t care if he died defending his country – he would die like his father did. He was from Camden, New Jersey. We did not keep in touch … wrote a couple of letters and he did not respond back. How fun it was having pen pals and a great way for you to learn English. My Korean pen pal wrote English well.

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      • Perhaps the next time I’m in London, I get to see the changing of the guard there! I’ve never had any other pen pals since I was in school. You’re kind for writing letters to service members! We all know they deserve to hear how much they and their service are appreciated. 😊

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      • It is intriguing to watch them Sabine. They are very stern looking and don’t move a facial muscle. We enjoyed writing to the service members … some people kept in touch with their service members the entire time they were in the service. My pen pal worried me a little as he even said that his mother asked him to be careful so she would not bury a son like she did a husband and he told me what she said and remarked “she just doesn’t understand.”

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  3. This is fascinating! Interesting to see them all together but I love the most several photos of individuals, especially the one with the green background in the gallery. ❤ I'd love to have such a wall!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Manja! The guy in the gallery with the green background is the same person who’s carrying the conch shell. It was incredible to see and hear him sound the shell. The buildings of the palace grounds were just stunning. There were even small open-walled libraries with books and pillowy cushions to read. 😊

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  4. I enjoyed your photos very much, Sabine! 💕 The colors, especially the red, are popping in that sunlight and one guy is holding a large SHELL, I notice! But I can’t take my eyes off those hats!!!!!

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    • Thank you, Marlene! I think you’d like it in Seoul, except perhaps some of the food. I loved every morsel I munched there, and loved all the different sights and sounds. So different from what we are accustomed to. Enjoy your weekend! 😘

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  5. How excellent, I’ve never seen something like this! I was just in Copenhagen, where I saw the Royal Guards but they are very boring comapred to the uniforms these guards have. Wow!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Definitely worth seeing in real life! Oh, Denmark sound nice too! I’ve only been to Denmark once, when I was 10 years old. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to visit there again one day. Thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙋

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  6. Amazing images of the changing of the guard in Korea. It looks like such a formal procession and everyone is in step and knows their part. The attire is so bright and vivid, certainly very eye-catching. It looks like a sunny day and I do wonder if any of them feel hot in their uniform. None of them look like they were too warm though 😀 The scenes remind me of the changing of the guard in London 😀

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    • Thank you, Mabel! It was quite the procession to see! I didn’t notice any of the guards breaking out in a sweat, only the spectators. I also loved the setting of the ancient palace grounds in the midst of a stylish, modern city. Old and new architecture are blended quite nicely there! 😊

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  7. Such brightly colored guards. I was in Seoul many years back now and did not see the changing of the guards but visited a Buddhist temple near our hotel several time. It was so beautiful and welcoming. The people in Seoul were very hospitable. It was one of my favorite trips.

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